Spotlight on H.C.Elliston – Interview with British thriller author

I’m absolutely thrilled to post my first interview. Even more that it’s with H.C.Elliston, who’s not only an amazing writer with three chilling  thrillers published, but also a very kind person who supports other Indie Authors on her gorgeous official website.

Plus, she’s a vegetarian, just like me and my daughter! Go veggies! 😀

So, let’s learn more about her!

Please, tell us a little about yourself.

I am originally from Cheshire, UK, but live in West Yorkshire where I share my home with my fiancé and two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, just streets away from my fiancé’s lovely children. I run a small ‘pet art’ business from home, selling to customers worldwide, and do some part-time admin for my parents’ business.  I am a trustee for a local animal rescue charity ‘Campnibble’. I have been a vegetarian since I was ten years old, love reading, and then curling up with my dogs on an evening watching a film to unwind.  I am an independent author with three published novels (I write romantic suspense and action thrillers) and am about to start writing my fourth.  It’s not been an easy journey.  The whole thing gives me a buzz at times, but there have been as many downs as ups.  I have a huge passion for writing, and unless that changes, I will keep going and keep challenging myself.

How long have you been writing?

Since about 2007, perhaps a little longer. (it feels longer)

Do you remember the first story you wrote?

I wrote two books before writing Tick Tock Run.  I class them as a learning curve and they will never see the light of day because they‘re terrible and I’d have to hide under a pillow with embarrassment.

Can you tell us two eccentricities about yourself?

Wow… ummm…Our dogs sleep in bed with us (although they probably think we share their bed) and I have a weakness for hot chilli sauce, dressing gowns and handbags.

What was the best thing you’ve ever heard (or read) from a reader?

In regards to me?  A lovely email I received a month ago from a reader saying she loved my work and was encouraging me to keep going.  I was delighted that she took the time to message me with such positive comments followed by a review on Amazon – it really made me smile.

Do you have a good Indie author to recommend?

I know quite a few and they write in a variety of genres.  But I’ll keep this down to two names.  For paranormal romance I’d recommend Brenda Dyer’s Love’s Prophecy, and for historical romance/Christian fiction I’d recommend Rachelle Ayala’s Michal’s Window.  Both are engaging and well written.

Who inspired and/or supported you to become a writer?

Just reading entertaining books in general inspired me, but when I first started writing it was really just a hobby, another creative outlet.   I never expected that it would consume me, or that years later I’d have three books released.

And support?  Well apart from family, I’d have to say my fiancé because he is the one who has had to put up with me daily while my head is buried in writing.  Until the start of this year, I used to write books and also run my art business from the dining room which is central in our house.  It reached a point when I was unable to carry on working in the room that was essentially the hub of our house.  I couldn’t  concentrate while my fiancé and children (although I love them to bits) chatted, made food or watched TV in the room that I worked in, let alone fit in all my art equipment and stock while keeping the room free of trip hazards.  And so my fiancé agreed to switch the living room and dining room around so that I could have an office.  The only other option was to make his children share a bedroom when they stay at weekends, but I really didn’t want to do that to them as everyone likes to have their own space.   Switching rooms!  Jeez… that was a day!  We had to ask a friend to help us lift the sofas over the back garden fence because there wasn’t enough of a turning circle in the hall to fit them through the door!  It is wonderful to now have a private space to work, I can leave my art equipment out overnight, have notes all over my desk and no one sees the mess, but we no longer have a dining room so have to eat with plates on our knees!

Do you have a WIP (Working in progress)? If so, can you tell us a little about it?

I am currently bouncing ideas around for my fourth book.  Nothing is fixed yet, but I’ll probably start writing the opening chapters within the next month.  After releasing a book, I tend to have a little break from writing, but soon start itching to get back to it.

What is your favorite of your books? Why?

My favourite is my latest book SHIVER SWEET.  I think it’s because I feel like it has a more equal balance of suspense, action and romance.  Plus, I enjoyed the idea of how creepy it would be to discover your life was on the internet, and the heartache of being forced to give up the love of your life.

What is your favorite of your characters? Why?

My favourite character is Christa from Shiver Sweet.  I like her attitude as she struggles to juggle everything in her life as a single mum, she is loyal, puts others first, never gives up and tries to stay positive.

Do you like to interact online? What’s your favorite social media?

I am active on both Facebook and twitter most days.  I love that it allows me to stay in touch with old friends and family (who are scattered all around the country) and to interact with people from all walks of life, all over the world, who I would not otherwise be in contact with.

How do you feel about marketing your books?

It can be fun, but also a grind and time consuming.  I have a day job and bills to pay like everyone else, I also need time to write and… to have a life outside of working.  I don’t want to thrust my books down people’s throats, but without a little marketing then no one would know my books exist because there are so many for readers to choose from.  It’s important to get a good balance.

Please, give us all your links – where can your readers find you and your books?

My website:

Twitter: @HCElliston


Thanks for the questions.  I appreciate your time and support!

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, H.C.! Loved the answers!

And readers, don’t go anywhere! Stay tuned for next interview on Saturday.

  • If you’re an author and want to be in my spotlight, contact me!

My last KDP Select Promo – Time to move on

From September 07 to September 08, my book “Mean: a psychological thriller novelette” was free to download on Amazon. I’m still a little tired after the marathon.

It was my last KDP Select Promo, since I won’t renew  with the program.

When you enroll your book on the program, you cannot sell o send for free your e-book anywhere else than on Amazon. Paperbacks are okay, but digital editions are exclusive. The two advantages you have in return are Amazon Prime lending programme and the 5 days free promo.

I haven’t got many borrows during my 90 days in the program. Well, I believe not many Amazon Prime members would use their only monthly borrow with a 50-page novelette, so that was expected… Maybe it works better for full length novels.

The free days gave me exposure. At least three reviews came from people who download it on free days. However, it’s preventing me from submitting my book to reviewers, (and I sure want to do that), to promote giveaways and simply to sell it wherever I want. So it’s done for me. Time to move on.

My 90 day period ends on September 18th, and I can’t wait. I have dozens of prospect reviewers to send my book to, and plan to publish through Smashwords.

I’d like to thank everyone who helped me during my promo days, spreading the word in any way. Also, a special thank you to all people who downloaded ‘Mean’. I truly hope you enjoyed it.

If at least some of you take the time to leave a review, I’d be more than thankful. Never forget how much you can make an author’s day with a simple review.

Authors: is your book going to be Free this Friday and/or Saturday? Let’s cross-promote!

As you may know (since I can’t stop bragging about it :D) my book Mean, a psychological thriller novelette is Book of the Month on, with other two amazing books.

To celebrate I decided to use my two last promo days this week. It may be the last chance to grab your free copy, since I won’t renew with KDP Select program.

Mean is going to be free to download on Amazon from September 07 (Friday) to September 08 (Saturday).  Mark it on your calendar:

To help spread the word, I’d love to cross promote with you, fellow author, who’s going to offer your book free on the same day. Since my book is a thriller, I thought of  other thriller books to promote together, but other genres can apply.

So, if you want to join me on it, use the contact form bellow, and let’s work together!

PS – Dear readers, please remember to ‘like’ the books you download for free, and maybe leave a review if you have the time… It makes an author’s day!!